Play Summer Sports – Social Life Guaranteed

Play Summer Sports – Social Life Guaranteed

Summer is a great time for socialising. With the weather so nice, you want to spend time outdoors doing fun things — ideally with other people. With everybody so engrossed with online socialisation, aren’t you itching for some offline, real-life interaction? Before the age of the internet and up to the present, if you want to do something enjoyable and physical that would also get you out and about in the community, you join a sports league. In Melbourne, a top pick for a fun and social activity in the summer is playing social netball.

Meeting people is actually a valid reason for wanting to take up a sport. If you’re new in town, if you’ve moved on in demographic (e.g., if you’ve become a mother and are no longer interested in the single lifestyle that all your friends still lead), if for some reason you just need a new set of friends, getting involved in a team sport is one of the quickest ways for you to forge the friendship bond with people of similar interests.

If you want to play summer sports, social netball organisations like Melbourne Social Netball will take you on solo and find a team for you to join. This easily takes away one of the main reasons for second thoughts on participating in team sports.

You get to play with your teammates and opposing players, but is that the extent of summer sports social interaction? Not at all. A common ground is all it takes for friendships to blossom. You’ll likely discover other shared interests as you and your teammates get to know each other better and you’ll be building relationships that carry on beyond the netball court. From shared interests to shared memories, you and your teammates have the makings of a pretty solid bond.

Netballers make up a community and you only need one contact to link into the network. You can expect to meet many more new folks soon. You’ll find players and spectators hanging out at the usual game venues like the Riverside Golf and Tennis Centre, Flagstaff Gardens, Richmond Recreation Centre, Ryan’s Reserve, and Melbourne High School. Social netball is true to its name. You’ll find many netball enthusiasts hanging out together after a game. If you want to take part in such post-match fellowship, sign up to play now.

As you entrench yourself in adulthood, you’ll notice that it’s the easiest thing to put your social life on hold. For this reason, you should deliberately pencil it in your calendar, as you would have to with scheduled games throughout the season. It’s really effortless socialisation. The community is already there. You just need to put yourself in it.