What Makes Social Netball One Of The Best Team Building Exercises
Team building exercises offer business organisations a variety of benefits including improved productivity, employee motivation, enhanced problem solving skills and creativity.
However, not all team building activities are created equal. Some activities are simply adventure games taking the guise of team building activities and may simply alienate other team members. If you have been tasked to develop a team building program, it is worthwhile to know the characteristics the best team building activities share.
In group team building activities, it is important for all members to select a leader who will help move the whole unit toward the achievement of a goal. It does not necessarily mean that the formal organisational structure used in the business should be followed. Rather, team members choose their leader based on the specific goal of the activity.
The goals for the chosen team building exercise should be achievable, specific, measurable and relevant to the organisation.
A good team building activity should encourage all members to commit themselves to a shared goal while taking into account each member’s contribution, thus fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. This can be facilitated through interaction built upon trust and open communication.
Finally, an ideal team building activity helps members of the organisation hone and fine-tune their decision-making abilities.
If you are looking for a suitable team building activity that possesses all of the aforementioned characteristics, why not turn to Melbourne Social Netball?
Netball is not just another sport young people engage in for fitness or social networking. Beyond these, the sport possesses several characteristics that make an effective (and fun) team building exercise.
In successful teams, whether in business or sports, there has to be a leader and role players. In netball, a team cannot rack up wins without having a solid structure of leaders and followers. Each member should be committed to their roles and support one another by giving feedback and advice.
Furthermore, success in the sport entails sharing the same vision — in this case, winning over the opposing team. Reaching success in the sport hinges on the idea that all members should effectively communicate with one another whilst embracing their unique abilities and helping team members overcome their shortcomings.
In netball, teams will face opponents with varying skills and proficiencies. Success, then, depends on the ability of the organisation to have a good decision-making process that entails the analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the opponent and being able to capitalise on the opponent’s flaws and the team’s strongest suits.
Another characteristic that sets netball apart from other sports is the three-second rule. The rule states that no player can hold on to the ball longer than three seconds. If the player holds the ball beyond this time, the umpire will call out a held ball and give the ball to the opposing team.
What’s crucial about this rule is that it helps teams build trust and communication skills on top of enhancing the thinking skills of each member. No other sport can match netball’s ability to help teams to think quickly, adapt to new challenges, and make the proper adjustments and decisions based on these.