There are endless benefits when offering a work team a social netball season with Melbourne Social Netball.
Take a look at this list below:
- Breaks down barriers
- Increases one-on-one trust
- Develops problem solving skills
- Builds confidence
- New experiences ignite new ideas
- Strengthens open communication
- Develops empathy and understanding of others
- Creates a solution based focus
- Increases productivity
- Synchronises flow within a team
- Taps into hidden potential
- Improves productivity
- Combats stress
This list is just the start of all the benefits that social netball brings to any work team. The best part is that these benefits will be reflected back in your working environment.
So don’t hesitate – fill in the enquiry form if you need more info, as we’re here to help to get your team on the court!
Costs are low – it will cost around $12 – $15 per week depending on the number of players in the team.
Our social netball competitions are available in a variety of locations. You can find the venue that is right for you below:
For more details, head to Game Info.
- If you’d like to try before registering, Everyday at 12:30 PM we have what we call a ‘Fill-in-player Post’ on our Facebook page — Captains might need a player or two to complete their team on a that night. Simply contact the Captain via Private Message to fill in that position. Join our facebook page here.
Costs & Registration:
Relevant costs can be found in the pricing tables on the right hand side of this page.
Payment can be made by Credit Card via Stripe OR direct transfer to:
- Account Name: Melbourne Social Netball
- BSB: 083-004
- Account Number: 73-994-2848
- reference: Team name or Ind /Venue/Night eg Running Hot AV SUN
Note: please retain proof of payment.
Be a part of our happy, fun, social community. Fill in the enquiry form and we’ll get back to you today.
Alternatively register now by filling out the registration form below; payment is not required immediately.
Note: At the end fo the season Forfeits and Bye game fees will be either refunded or credited to the following season, unless used for finals. Refer to Terms and Conditions for Washouts.
Don’t delay Register Here