Putting Together A Melbourne Netball Team – What Equipment Do You Need?
Netball has always been a favourite team sport among many Melbourne females. These days, however, mixed netball has become a popular option and you can find many teams comprising of both men and women. Apparently, the men won’t be kept away from the fun of playing netball and its many other benefits.
If you love the game and would like to play it regularly, you should consider putting together a team. There are outfits that provide nightly competitions in Melbourne and you can easily sign up to take part in their community. They organise netball seasons and are always on the look-out for teams.
Netball provides a wonderful opportunity to get active both physically and socially while having a tremendous amount of fun. You can approach organisers as an individual asking to be placed in a team or you can gather your family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances to make your own team. All you have to do to come up with an eligible Melbourne netball team is to find at least six more players to fill all the positions.
Once you’ve gathered your team members, you can start thinking about equipment you need for practice and training. For starters, you’ll need at least one regulation size net and one netball. That’s enough to start with, but you’re better off with lots of spares as you go along. The post you use could either be a mobile free standing one, or one that screws into a socket underground. Either is okay for indoor or outdoor courts. The ring should be at ten feet high, but this could be lower for junior netball games.
The netball, on the other hand, comes in size 4 for juniors and size 5 for adults. Training balls are enough to start with, but sooner or later you’ll have to get match-quality balls as your team becomes more competitive.
Uniforms will come in time, but netball bibs are good to have right away once the team starts competing. These are usually available in sets of seven. Some are reversible to always be distinguishable from those of the opposing team. When ordering actual uniforms, you may want to get those with positional patches, but some leagues are not strict about official uniforms and only require that players wear the colour of their team.
Besides the netball dresses or jersey-and-shorts ensembles, your team will also want to invest in netball shoes. Some are specifically designed for outdoor games, so keep your game venues in mind when shopping for these items.
These are just some of the considerations for forming your own netball team. If you can’t quite manage it, you can always join a community as an individual player. However you may go about nursing your netball mania, the important thing is to take that first step; you’ll be playing regularly in no time.